Monday, December 01, 2008

The Visit of Sheikh Yusuf Estes

For a while ago, when the BJ Mosque committee make an announcement about the next visit of Sheikh Yusuf Estes, I thought, well, another visit, another talk, and off they go. Well, at that time the name didn't made any big impact in my brain, again my ignorant overruled my knowledge. Then I started to googled, MPI search etc about the man, Sheikh Yusuf Estes.
Like I said,,, shame on me, how can I am not knowing about this guy? Was I the only few who were so uninformed about his existence? I started to read, and question people in the know about this man. Ya Allah, surely I did missed a lot for not following news about him.
He did came to my neighbourhood on the 24th Nov 2008, a Monday when me and my family was on holiday away from home, so unlucky us. Apparently the event was full of enthusiast Muslims and Non Muslims, and the MBSA Hall was full. His talk was on The Truth About Muslims. So, many basic questions were raised by the curious Non Muslims kids.
I was told that due to his health condition, these series of roadshow will be his last in the region, so I have a lot to loose but anyhow, I did managed to get some echos from the Qariah and neighbours who were at the MBSA Hall on that day.
Some of his answers to the basic questions about Islams are on YouTube. One of my favourite is this One.


NURAZZAH8 said...

salam sekali lagi,
masih lagi membaca beberapa n3 dalam blog saudara... I was there in BJ MBSA hall that night... memang bagus sekali ceramah beliau...nampak mudah dan simple... beliau menerangkan tentang maksud Islam dan Muslim ... mungkin kerana beliau dahulu adalah seorang pendakwah kristian (priest) maka beliau memang mempunyai karisma dalam menyampaikan dakwah Islam terutama kepada orang bukan Islam. cara beliau menerangkan tentang Islam dan Muslim sgt mudah, rata2 sudah beberapa ceramah yang akak dengar di sampaikan oleh mereka yang memeluk Islam ini, tidak MENJAUHKAN LAGI mereka yg bukan Islam. Jika kita lihat selalunya pendekatan 'ustaz'2 Melayu ni apabila seseorang yg bukan Islam hendak mengetahui tentang Islam, apa yang ditekankan ialah perkara2 ibadat, bukannya AQIDAH itu dahulu... ditekankan tentang kena solat 5 wktu, kena puasa SEBULAN Ramadhan, kena 'potong Anunya' dsb... manalah orang bukan Islam nak peluk Islam...lagi takut adalah... sebab mereka tak pernah sembahyang, tak pernah puasa...lepas tu kena sunat pulak!!! tetapi jika AKIDAh sudah kuat ibadat akan datang dengan sendirinya... apa yg br Yusuf Estees tekankan pertama kali ialah... surah Al-Ikhlas... iaitu KEESAAN TUHAN, ALLAH TIDAK MENYERUPAI SEGALA SESUATU ....

jadilah orang bukan Islam nampak di sinilah perbezaan agama Islam yg syumul ini dgn agama yg lain...

AyKay said...

salam kak,

bertuah kak dpt hadir ke sessi dialog tu. Me & famili was away.

TK kerana sudi baca n3 dlm blog hambar ni. Maklumlah baru2 je, dulu jauhlah tersasar saya ni.

Kak can link to this blog, itu memang besarlah hati saya dpt jugak kongsi apa2 yg ada, lagipun memang benar apa yg telah Rasul s.a.w kita tinggalkan..dan yg baik/pengajaran tu memang wajar disebarkan. Tinggal lagi kenalah kita buat BASS: Belajar-Amal-Sebar-Sabar tu byk2